Student body, TAKKikunta

All TAKK students belong to TAKK's student body, TAKKikunta. TAKKikunta promotes the students' cooperation and opportunities for influence.

TAKKikunta organises excursions, events, sports groups, and other fun activities for all students. During the Student Wellbeing Week, a wide range of activities are organised annually, from exercise to well-being lectures. To celebrate Valentine's Day, Halloween and May Day, themed catering has been arranged on both campuses. Museum visits and cultural walks have also been arranged. Some of the activities are such that it is possible to complete YTO studies at the same time.

Welcome to participate in our events and activities. All students can participate!

TAKKikunta Board is in charge of TAKKikunta’s activities. If you want to have an influence the operations and organise events, you should join the Board.

Read more on student intranet (in Finnish):