Student instructions: Download and log in to the Tuudo app

Download the app to your phone

  1. Open your phone's app store (Play Store, App Store or AppGallery)
  2. Search for Tuudo in the app store
  3. Download the app to your phone

Logging in to the application without TAKK's student account

  1. Open Tuudo on your phone
  2. Select Tampere Adult Education Centre from the list of educational institutions
  3. If you do not have TAKK's student ID, select "Proceed" under "New student"
  4. Check out TAKK's section "For new students"
  5. When you start studying at TAKK and get a student ID, click "Log in with student account"  from the Tuudo menu
  6. Then follow the instructions below to log in from step 4

Logging in to the application with TAKK's student account

Do steps 1-3 if you have not used Tuudo without a student account, i.e. you are opening Tuudo for the first time.

  1. Open Tuudo on your phone
  2. Select Tampere Adult Education Centre from the list of educational institutions
  3. Press the Log-in-button
  4. Enter your TAKK email address and press "Next"
  5. Enter your password and press "Sign in"
  6. Verify your identity by pressing "Text +xxx xxxxxxx" and you will receive a text message with a verification code on your phone
  7. Enter the code you received via SMS under "Enter Code" and press ”Verify
  8. If you get the message "Do you want to stay signed in": select "Yes"

Notice: Tuudo works only as a mobile app, not on a computer.